women in green

Women in Green - Women for Israel's Tomorrow is a grassroots movement of women and men, young and old, secular and religious, all bound together by a shared concern, love, devotion and loyalty to the Land of Israel.

Latest Activities and Lecture Tour (Corrected)

Latest Activities and Lecture Tour (Corrected)

Instructions for unsubscribing can be found in the footer of this message. ————————————————————————– Dear Friends, Below please find a summary of our exciting Women in Green Eretz Yisrael this past Tuesday. Secondly, yesterday we sent out an incomplete email about the lecture tour and bios. Below please find the corrected one. With Love for Israel, […]

Zionist Shopping and Lecture Tour

Zionist Shopping and Lecture Tour

Instructions for unsubscribing can be found in the footer of this message. ————————————————————————– Dear Friends, Below please find a summary of our exciting Women in Green Eretz Yisrael this past Tuesday. Secondly, yesterday we sent out an incomplete email about the lecture tour and bios. Below please find the corrected one. With Love for Israel, […]

Lecture Tour

Lecture Tour

Instructions for unsubscribing can be found in the footer of this message. ————————————————————————– LECTURE TOUR NADIA MATAR and YEHUDIT KATZOVER Three years ago, after the expulsion from Gush Katif, two veteran Land of Israel activists joined together in an effort to reignite and reinvigorate the grassroots struggle against the post-Zionist expropriation of Israel. Most of […]

Summation of Court Session & Zionist Shopping for Purim in Yad Binyamin

Summation of Court Session & Zionist Shopping for Purim in Yad Binyamin

Instructions for unsubscribing can be found in the footer of this message. ————————————————————————– Dear Friends, Below please find the summation of yesterday’s court session in the Yonatan Bassi case. Secondly, please register as soon as possible to our Women in Green Chizuk-Purim Shopping trip to Yad Binyamin to support our brothers from Gush Katif morally […]

Announcements and Upcoming Activities

Announcements and Upcoming Activities

Instructions for unsubscribing can be found in the footer of this message. ————————————————————————– Dear Friends, As we wrote in an email a few hours after the election results were made public, the large majority of the Israeli people have clearly stated that they want a proud Jewish Zionist government to lead them. The Left (Kadima, […]

Vote for the Land of Israel!

Vote for the Land of Israel!

Instructions for unsubscribing can be found in the footer of this message. ————————————————————————– Dear Friends, Menachem Ussishkin, one of the leaders and founders of the Zionist movement, President of the 20th Zionist Congress, said, among many other strong statements about our right to this Land: "WHEN THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL WILL REDEEM THE LAND OF […]

Jonathan Pollard’s Lifeline – your letters!

Jonathan Pollard’s Lifeline – your letters!

Instructions for unsubscribing can be found in the footer of this message. ————————————————————————– Update: Jonathan Pollard’s Lifeline – your letters! Justice4JP – February 4, 2009  – [Please do recycle, recirculate, reprint this update Thank you!] Jonathan Pollard reports that he is receiving a significantly increased volume of mail from people all over the world since […]

Upcoming Activities

Upcoming Activities

Instructions for unsubscribing can be found in the footer of this message. ————————————————————————– Dear Friends, Nine days to the Israeli elections. Women in Green call upon all its members in Israel to make sure to go out and vote on election day. At a time when enemies from within and without are planning the destruction […]

The public has a right to know

The public has a right to know

  By Nadav Shragai, Haaretz.com January 28, 2009 How many people remember why the elections were moved up? How many of us recall that after Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced his resignation, Shas demanded that Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni pledge that Jerusalem not be a matter for negotiation, and Livni, who had already discussed the […]

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